Redfern Park and Oval Upgrade


$28 million

Delivery Method LS


A landmark project for the community, the Redfern Oval and Park Upgrade received a high level of interest from high-profile stakeholders and is used by South Sydney Rabbitohs, junior league and other local sporting teams and schools. Continual liaison was integral to the success, exceeding expectations in terms of community and aboriginal participation.

Despite inground conditions presenting contamination, Hansen Yuncken developed an innovative method of obtaining the soil classification which reduced costs to the client and delivered the project on schedule. The playing surface is the first of its kind in Australia, using a new product called 'Loksand' as the base material, to provide better support for the athletes and longer lasting wear to the playing surface.

Comprising grandstand, change rooms, first aid room, gymnasium, offices, canteen, seating, lighting and a total upgrade of the adjacent park and all services, the high quality outcome was acknowledged through receipt of many accolades and awards.